Monday, October 22, 2012

My First Market

I know I've told you that I've sold my sewn goods at markets before, but yesterday was the first one where I've actually been in attendance. In the past I've given items to family members to sell on my behalf, so being there was a whole new level of nerves and excitement!

It was the Suitcase Rummage market at Thornbury Theatre here in Melbourne. The rules are you MUST sell from your suitcase - no tables or stands. This was perfect for me because I am not someone who plans to do the market circuit in the future, I just want to dabble and sell a few bits and pieces. The professional nature of some markets these days in Melbourne is also a bit intimidating, so small and informal was great.

Sorry for the slightly fuzzy phone pic, but this is my little display. My lovely friend Cynthia collects vintage suitcases and she loaned me a couple for the occasion.

I wish I could tell you it was a raging success...but it wasn't. It was fun, I covered my market fee, lunch for my sister Kirsten and I, and made a bit extra, but it was quiet and I did hope to sell a bit more.

Bibs for boys were the hit of the day. In particular, these ones:

This whale fabric is always popular whenever I use it  - I will have to make a bunch more of these!

The best part  was spending the day with my sister and chatting, meeting some new lovely people who had their stalls next to mine, and checking out the other handmade goodies. There are some very talented makers out there, who make all kinds of things.

Are you a regular craft fair and market stall holder? Tell me about your experiences - the good and the bad!


  1. That is a really sweet idea! I did a few markets last year, and just couldn't do anymore. I didn't like putting myself out there for people to judge funnily enough! The first one I did I did exceptionally well, however the second and third weren't good at all. I decided that given I work every second weekend, using one of my sundays off to sit at a market and listen to some people's snide comments about the costs of things was not productive! lol.

  2. Good on you for 'dabbling', sounds like you had a fun time despite not selling as much as you hoped. I am still figuring out where I fit in the market scene. I think it is about finding the right market for your target customer. I have definitely had a few flops, and a few much more positive experiences, even though I have never had a raging success. I figure if I am getting a lot of griping about my price being too high, it's not the right market/audience!

  3. Nice to meet you yesterday and see your lovely wares. Perhaps we'll cross paths again sometime. :)

  4. years ago I did some country markets selling my knitting, they were fun. The Melbourne ones scared me off. The kids school had a fate on Friday and the prices of the items for school kids were very expensive, for kids with $10-$20 to spend.

    Cute boys things can be hard to find so as a Mum of 3 boys I like buying stuff for them when I see it. Next time add some of the ties like the one you did for Max, I'm positive they would sell, boy's Mummy's get very excited over cute boy stuff when everything seems to be aimed at girls.

    Glad you had fun

  5. This is exactly what I needed to read! I'm about to do my first market in November and am petrified! I know that pricing is always an issue with customers and I love the comment made by Candy above about not being the right audience! Thanks for that...

    Sophie xo

  6. Yay for you! I'm thrilled you made your stall fee back. Now that is an achievement.

    I have found that it is good to be known. I do the Maribrynong Makers Market (Seddon, Melbourne) in March, September and November and I have regular customers now. I couldn't do a monthly but this works really well for me.

    (Maybe you should join me next March?!?)

    Congrats x

  7. Oh well done anyway! I am too put off to try markets, like you said they are too professional now. I love those bibs. I have some of that fabric on order. Kerry.

  8. Everything looks beautiful Ros. Its hard to come up with something original. Your stuff is always beautiful.

    Anne xx

  9. Im glad you had a great time. I dont make and sell at craft fairs.
    Your stuff looks wonderful. I especially love your bib. Is there a pattern I can get somewhere?

  10. Your items are so gorgeous Ros... must have been a slow day :-/
    Are you going to list this stuff on etsy now?

  11. Your stuff and your display loss so so cute! I tried the craft fair thing and decided it wasn't for me. I just didn't sell much and I don't usually have stock so it was a pain for me to make a bunch of stuff and then be stuck with it.

  12. Well done anyway! I used to work at a Primary school in Thornbury. This market sounds fun - and not too intimidating. Your little pinafore tops look sweet:)


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