Friday, August 19, 2011

Best Ever, No Cook Play Dough Recipe

This post has nothing to do with sewing, or deliciousness (some toddlers would disagree) but this recipe is a must have for anyone who regularly spends time with precious little people!

Most play dough recipes I have seen require you to cook the dough in a saucepan. I really didn't like that as it was hard to keep the heat consistent and if you were distracted for a minute you would end up with a burnt saucepan and a ruined batch of dough. So this recipe is genius - really easy and no cooking required!

You will need:
2 cups of plain flour
1 cup salt
2 tablespoons oil (I use vegetable but any will do)
4 tablespoons of cream of tartar
2 cups water
food colouring of your choice

Place the flour, salt, oil, cream of tartar and food colouring in a bowl. Fill your kettle with the water and boil it. Once boiled, add your water.

Stir with a spoon until mixture is smooth and comes together.

The mixture may seem sticky at first, but as it begins to cool it will stop being sticky. Turn it out onto your work surface and allow it to cool completely. (Be careful not to leave it out too long, you don't want it to dry out!)

For extra special play dough, you can add glitter, or sand for a different texture. Once it has cooled, store in a plastic container or zip lock bag.

Now you are ready to play! 

A great gift idea is a little basket with a couple of different colours of play dough, and some plastic cookie cutters and kitchen utensils from a discount store. Kids will love it!


  1. I made this just a bit ago and it turned out great. I tried to make the cooked stuff before and it flopped. This turns out great, and it's so fast!

  2. Very timely - thanks Ros! - considering I just met you last w/e and I had to make playdough for my new Preps on Wed. night :-) This was much easier then my usual method, although it seemed to use way more food colouring than the other method. Is that normal, or was it just me?!


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