Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Sewing Predictions for 2015

New Year's Resolutions? I don't make them because I know I'm way too flaky to stick with them! Ha. Know thyself right?

As I organise myself for the year ahead (with my brand new fancy Kikki K diary - big thanks to my sister for that Christmas present!) here is what I know.

  • I'll aim to get my stash down but I'll probably spend the GDP of a small country at Spotlight and only realise once all the receipts are tallied in July for tax time. 
  • I will still browse all my favourite online fabric stores and fill up the cart. But I won't press 'purchase' because the Australian dollar is currently in the toilet. Boohoo.
  • I'll pin pretty quilts and have plans to make really intricate designs but then I'll give up after making a hash of the first block.
  • I'll plan to sew along to some cool indie Pandora station but then I'll get fed up that I can't sing along loudly to the music and I'll switch to Beyonce or Fleetwoood Mac within about three songs.

  • I'll have an amazing light bulb Oprah style ah-ha moment for a blog tutorial and realise once I've completed the project that Pinterest is littered with several much better versions of what I thought was an original idea. 
  • I'll buy a fancy pattern with ambitions to sew a detailed dress for myself. Then I won't even open the pattern envelope.
  • Someone will ask me to make something and offer to pay me the about 10% of the cost of the materials and I will feel awkward and have long in depth conversations agonising over it with my frustrated husband who can't understand why I don't just say NO.

  • I'll have a clean out of my stash and feel all wonderful and smug and two weeks later I'll realise I threw out something I really really need.
  • Sssshhh my daughter's school and ballet teachers will never know that I sew...and I'll avoid all conversations about costume making for concerts.

Can you relate?

Happy New Year!


  1. Sounds about right! Happy New Year :)

  2. Good idea to hide your sewing skills from the dancing teachers. I do NOT have good memories of sewing dancing costumes with ever so sketchy instructions. I'm keeping quiet the second time around.

    1. Yep, lycra and sequins are not my idea of a good time at the sewing machine!

  3. I think you just wrote what could have been a post by me!! Currently destashing fabric and trying really hard not to replace it with something else, zippers and trims don't count though right? Cos they can be used on all those unopened patterns I have great intentions to get to!

    1. Zippers and trims don't count at all ;) Hmm I actually need some new zippers...

  4. Love it! Are you reading my mind? This gave me a good giggle tonight!

    1. Hahaha I think we are all living the same life with the same challenges! And I'm not sure about you, but I do get a little sick of all the picture perfect sewing bloggers who never seem to put a foot wrong!

  5. Oh- so scary accurate! Especially the part about the sewing-for-someone-at 10% of material cost!! M y husband sympathizes with your husband!!

    1. Tammy this year will be the year of saying NO! but I'm getting pretty good at it these days!

    2. So glad it's not just me! ;)

  6. OMG! Can I relate to this - are you sure you're not living my life?

    1. I think many of us are in the same boat with the same challenges! Being perfect is boring ;)

  7. maravilhosamente você descreveu a maioria de todas nós mulheres....eu pelo menos sou assim...beijos e um bom 2015

    1. Thanks Filomena! It's great that so many women relate! :)

  8. yes goals sounds so much more promising than resolutions lol! I plan on doing a total redo of the sewing room, there may be a lot of procrasternation there lol! I want to learn new things & challenge myself more this yera, I've already found several new things to get into


  9. So true! My only resolution is to actually sew something... anything! Lol

  10. Sounds like a pretty accurate account of any given year :) I haven't formally made any resolutions, but I have made some long term goals, and I am going to try make this the year of goal keeping :)

  11. Oh my your post made me laugh!! Between us we must at least keep one Spotlight store in business!

  12. Hahaha I love this. Very much me too.

  13. Love this Ros! It's like you have psychic powers ;)

  14. Lol. Funny 'cause it's true.

  15. I love it! So understand the one about the costumes! Thanks for a great post.

  16. Haha :-) Thanks for making me chuckle! Life is sometimes so predictable!!


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